Hello peeps!
Hello june!
it's already the beginning of june, that's so fast. dont you guys think so?
hukay, things happened, shit happened recently. that's what i'm gonna talkin about!
*skooldays were over*
the long long long hi-skool exams period were over! so, started from may 18th i took intensif snmptn program at Ganesha Operation everyday, 07.00-10.15
*holidays for studying?*
argh. i realized i cant study well at home. firstly, i'll fall a sleep. secondly, there's heck a lot of distractions
phone, internet, PC, foods huaaaa.

wht should i do to against these?

*settle on facebook*
due to the solitude on friendster, i moved to facebook. hehe
i rele rele miss my class, padepokan. laughter, long talks, chit-chat, gossip, or even stoopid little fights. hiks
i love you padepokan.
this year
next year
no more!
upps, kidding. forever

*may 22nd-sisterhood gathering*
me, elly, della, indri, and ilham (ups, i shouldnt call it sisterhood

went to sam poo kong & lawang sewu just for takin photographs, as usual. hehe
*one month to go*
my last batlle is coming up. 4 times rejected doesnt mean i'll give up. no!
but bytheway, i havent decided my choices for snmptn

i think my post is too wordy, sorry!
& bunches of thanks for reading my nonsense hehe

the upcoming events:
13 june-announcement of final exams
15 june-masquerade, the prom nite. will be held on grand candi hotel.
see you there

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