Been listening to All Time Low's latest album all the time. Jack Barakat and friends captured my attention, AS ALWAAAAYS! HA! I give 8 out of 10 for I Feel Like Dancing, Time Bomb, and Just the Way I'm not. Hustlers, are you ready for their upcoming concert in Jakarta, 6th Oct? Go follow @JAVAmusikindo for more info.
Anw, how's life buddies? Mine? Good, pretty good. Haven't wrote anything here like.. for ages. Too much things happened but too bad i didn't put it here. College is still cruel, final exams will start on this 26th and I'm not sure about the preparation. I'm hoping that I'll do well on my exams. Organization? Truth to be told, I'm getting bored, seriously. Half year to go but... Ah. Tones of work to be completed, revision to be done, LPJ to be collected lalala. People, I still remember your promise to help each other (included ME), so can you keep your promise and make it true? Hello? Blah. I'm tired. Trough it all, got tons supports from the all time pom-pom brighten my days. It's not stomachache, it's butterflies... still :)
2 gossip(s):
kekeke,kayak nunggu salju di tembalang aja kamu buat si-yang-kamu-maksud buat baca,nyadar,trus bertindak nepatin janji-nangis-bombaynya.haha
aku sukasuka header barunya.bisa nih buat buat next jobnya :D
Ehehe glad to have you here!
Udh mulai turun saljunya yo walopun msh rintik-rintik :P
HP lagimu bikin produktif yah kekeke siap duet maut lagi! Artsy is our middle name :D
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