it's been 3 months i didn't go to anywhere except home-school-home-school.
i should't explain why, ryt?and last saturday, i was free from school!*bolos*
together wif ayu, rezha, tiwi, i went to Purwokerto for
SPMB lokal UNSOED's registration.
we went from Semarang on 03.00! yea im not kiddin!
without well prepare, without parents, we went to Purwokerto a small city that we nvr stepped our feet there before,with burning desire and same obsession: doctor :)
dunno why, our burning desire gave us tons of spirits!
together wif ayu, rezha, tiwi, i went to Purwokerto for
SPMB lokal UNSOED's registration.
we went from Semarang on 03.00! yea im not kiddin!
without well prepare, without parents, we went to Purwokerto a small city that we nvr stepped our feet there before,with burning desire and same obsession: doctor :)
dunno why, our burning desire gave us tons of spirits!
i felt so happy, although ofkors tired and sleepy.
we laughed all out everytime& everywhere eventhough we didn't know where we are.
the major reason why we laughed was the people's weirdo dialect. lolees
sounds weird and i couldn't stop my laugh in front of them.
im so sorry, but i've tried hard not to laugh but ya i gave up & my sound of laugh come out loudly in front of them! wahahaha
*buat orang-orang yang merasa sudah saya dzalimi maaf yaaa peaceee :)*
there isn't online registration system like other universities.
so we should go there fo registration.
and we were given a portfolio with some papers tht we should fill.
you know we need 2 hours to finish it! what an awesome job!
afta finished the registration, we walked along street with no direction.
actually we looked for KFC or anything to eat cause we haven't had breakfast yet till noon.
but we didn't know anythinng here.
we walked and walked, perhaps we found a mall with food courts inside. but as long as we walked, we didn't find sign tht show where the mall was. helloo is there a mall in this city?
we gave up. we decided to lunch in a small restaurant.
each of us ordered:
nasi pecel+mendoan purwokerto+ayam goreng+2 gelas es teh
hahahaha. i still remember the seller's shocked face :)
korban keganasan kami
on 12.00 we wnt back to Semarang by travel and arrived on semarang at 18.00
next saturday we'll back there again for the exams (SPMB LOKAL).
on 12.00 we wnt back to Semarang by travel and arrived on semarang at 18.00
next saturday we'll back there again for the exams (SPMB LOKAL).
one of the materials is KEPEMIMPINAN
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