
Weekend is Ended

@campina home, purwokerto

had a short trip to cilacap-purwokerto for 3 days with besties & cousins. sunday suddenly turned to full-scheduled day. went to teluk penyu on morning, then visited Benteng Pendem on afternoon till evening, and the tiring day ended with hang out till night with my cousins. what a day! i was getting darker and darker! omfg! cilacap is so HOOOOOT and it's really annoying! though semarang is the hottest city ever, but i'm wrong. on monday we went to purwokerto, a small city near cilacap. walked along street with nurul & faikar, visited some distros & bag shops that spreads along the street around unsoed. then while waiting for the travel that picked us up on 15.00 we went to campina home for ice cream.

look! my wide smile means i'm good, i'm great, i'm in happy mood. i love my life lately. oldies are good. he is good, we are good. big family is good. best friends are good. friends are good. people around me are good. and that's because God is good. alhamdulillah. i want this good feeling would stay longer. amin

got to go.
thanks for staying here,
your comment will make my day.

raker is over

almost forget to share about this here. udah rada basi si sebenernya, tapi sesuai visi misi blog ini yang yaitu merecord semua kejadian yg telah saya alami, jadi harus di post deh hahaha ada aja alibinya!

minggu lalu saya resmi disahkan jadi pengurus HIMAKOM (Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komputer) 2010 lewat acara Raker HIMAKOM. alhamdulillahirobbilalamin ketrima jadi staff ahli KOMINFO (Komunikasi dan Informasi) setelah melalui seleksi dua kali wawancara. dan saya kebagian proker ngurusin web HIMAKOM. jadi maap-maap aja kalo ntar bakalan jarang posting, soalnya ada satu lapak lagi yg mesti saya urus selain blog ini & blog ILKOM '09 yang ujung-ujungnya juga (gak) keurus semua hahaha
aaaaampun pak komting jangan pecat saya >,<
proud of being a part of HIMAKOM & insya allah bakalan betah soalnya cecunguk-cecunguk saya, itu tuh yang kemana-mana ngekor saya hahaha juga ketrima jadi pengurus. yudith di divisi minat bakat bareng sm renold & bonsai, riana di divisi eko-keu, nurul divisi sosial, puput jadi sekretaris II. sik asik asik! terbukti kan kita gak cuma eksis hedon, dolan kesana kemari ples foto-foto, tapi urusan kampus kita peduli juga hahaha
eiya ini ada oleh-oleh dari Raker kemaren, more on my FB account :)

staff ahli kominfo
left to right
bawah: me, mbak lindri, mbak desti, lele
atas: hans, kipur, mas lufy, mas hafis (leader)

jeng jeng jeng jeng.. inilah pengurus himakom 2010
my bitches. XO

disela-sela break sidang

btw, still have about two weeks off from campus thingies and i'll take an alone-short-trip to cilacap this weekend.
cant wait for it! yey!


outbond FORTIKOM

meet me again, ladies & germs! yesterday was tiring but fun! i went to Nglimut, Kendal for outbond, held by FORTIKOM (Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika & Ilmu Komputer) Semarang. the participants are from Undip, Udinus, UNISSULA, USM, STMIK Provisi. glad to be there, 'cause i got lotsa experiences, met new fwends from other colleges, and the point is got many lessons to learn from each game. 25 thousand rupiahs for memorable experience, what a big deal! ;3
unfortunately, no one of my girlfriends (i mean my gangster) join in. ah wish you were there, ladies! i bet it would be hundreds more fun!

we're divided into 7 groups. i'm on 6th group, and the people are : me, witty, mbak desti, mbak puput, mbak diah, astrid, mbak tari, mbak arien. everybody who was the youngest on his/her team, he/she became the leader. i was the youngest on my team, so yeah.. lucky meh! ha-ha! we should pass the river which the water flow swiftly and full of stones, from the small one to the big one and covered with moss, and yeah i slipped twice when i tried to subjugate the stone! clothes & bag become wet & dirty, berani kotor itu baik, ryt? ;D
when i walked along the river, it feels like there's no end there. pheeeeee
w! the route was sooooo long! but as i said before, it was heck of fun! after that we had some games and then lunch time, this is what i'm waiting for hehe. rain keeps falling, but it doesn't matter.

rainbow wow wow

and the war begin. lol
the girl on red is me
w/ seniors & classmates
my superb teamhey i'm hungreeh!rain
a moment before go home

*be thankful for whatever we had this moment & whatever God has given for us.
*throw away your egoism, we couldn't live alone, we definitely need other people, so that helping each other is needed.
*life is full of obstacles & problems. sometimes we meet small prob, sometimes big. without problems & obstacles, life would be plan & no adventures on it. but no matter how big is your problem, just believe you can face it.
that's the moral values.

well, that goes my eventful saturday, hows yours?

problem solved, cleared.
wouldn't do same mistakes again.
just keep my words. xo



you put colour to my black-and-white-life

 shooted by R
editted by me

post was editted hihi