meet me again, ladies & germs! yesterday was tiring but fun! i went to Nglimut, Kendal for outbond, held by FORTIKOM (Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika & Ilmu Komputer) Semarang. the participants are from Undip, Udinus, UNISSULA, USM, STMIK Provisi. glad to be there, 'cause i got lotsa experiences, met new fwends from other colleges, and the point is got many lessons to learn from each game. 25 thousand rupiahs for memorable experience, what a big deal! ;3
unfortunately, no one of my girlfriends (i mean my gangster) join in. ah wish you were there, ladies! i bet it would be hundreds more fun!
we're divided into 7 groups. i'm on 6th group, and the people are : me, witty, mbak desti, mbak puput, mbak diah, astrid, mbak tari, mbak arien. everybody who was the youngest on his/her team, he/she became the leader. i was the youngest on my team, so yeah.. lucky meh! ha-ha! we should pass the river which the water flow swiftly and full of stones, from the small one to the big one and covered with moss, and yeah i slipped twice when i tried to subjugate the stone! clothes & bag become wet & dirty, berani kotor itu baik, ryt? ;D
when i walked along the river, it feels like there's no end there. pheeeeeew! the route was sooooo long! but as i said before, it was heck of fun! after that we had some games and then lunch time, this is what i'm waiting for hehe. rain keeps falling, but it doesn't matter.
unfortunately, no one of my girlfriends (i mean my gangster) join in. ah wish you were there, ladies! i bet it would be hundreds more fun!
we're divided into 7 groups. i'm on 6th group, and the people are : me, witty, mbak desti, mbak puput, mbak diah, astrid, mbak tari, mbak arien. everybody who was the youngest on his/her team, he/she became the leader. i was the youngest on my team, so yeah.. lucky meh! ha-ha! we should pass the river which the water flow swiftly and full of stones, from the small one to the big one and covered with moss, and yeah i slipped twice when i tried to subjugate the stone! clothes & bag become wet & dirty, berani kotor itu baik, ryt? ;D
when i walked along the river, it feels like there's no end there. pheeeeeew! the route was sooooo long! but as i said before, it was heck of fun! after that we had some games and then lunch time, this is what i'm waiting for hehe. rain keeps falling, but it doesn't matter.
the girl on red is me
w/ seniors & classmates
my superb team
hey i'm hungreeh!

a moment before go home
*be thankful for whatever we had this moment & whatever God has given for us.
*throw away your egoism, we couldn't live alone, we definitely need other people, so that helping each other is needed.
*life is full of obstacles & problems. sometimes we meet small prob, sometimes big. without problems & obstacles, life would be plan & no adventures on it. but no matter how big is your problem, just believe you can face it.
that's the moral values.
well, that goes my eventful saturday, hows yours?
*throw away your egoism, we couldn't live alone, we definitely need other people, so that helping each other is needed.
*life is full of obstacles & problems. sometimes we meet small prob, sometimes big. without problems & obstacles, life would be plan & no adventures on it. but no matter how big is your problem, just believe you can face it.
that's the moral values.
well, that goes my eventful saturday, hows yours?
problem solved, cleared.
wouldn't do same mistakes again.
just keep my words. xo
problem solved, cleared.
wouldn't do same mistakes again.
just keep my words. xo
2 gossip(s):
UNISBANKnya mane?
awas ya nakal lagi,tak hasu hasu koe.wkwkwkwk
oh iya unisbanknya ketinggalan ;p
la to boso premane metu. sarap!
oke pak bos, janji gak nakal lagi ;3
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