

2 moneyboxes titled 'KE LONDON' (Left) and 'KE SORBONNE' (Right)

Source of inspiration:
Lalla Pratami

This is how we spell D R E A M. As a british obsessive, of course London is the one and only a-must-visit-place. How about Sorbonne? Blame Ikal, a character in Sang Pemimpi who made us as envy as hell. Lucky him, he got a chance to step his feet there, a place named Sorbonne. Ikal, you, me, us, everybody has chances to go abroad right? Fly us to London and Sorbonne and Germany, dear moneyboxes! I know it sounds silly but since added "Allah itu baik" as my favourite quote, everything seems possible :). 2nd picture above is the way we spell U S. You'll find some self motivations, favourite band(s), favourite album cover, hobbies, dreams, inspiring people, there. It hasn't 100% finished yet but soon it'll be done.

"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable,
and then when we summon the will,
they soon become inevitable"
- Christopher Reeve



Been listening to All Time Low's latest album all the time. Jack Barakat and friends captured my attention, AS ALWAAAAYS! HA! I give 8 out of 10 for I Feel Like Dancing, Time Bomb, and Just the Way I'm not. Hustlers, are you ready for their upcoming concert in Jakarta, 6th Oct? Go follow @JAVAmusikindo for more info.

Anw, how's life buddies? Mine? Good, pretty good. Haven't wrote anything here like.. for ages. Too much things happened but too bad i didn't put it here. College is still cruel, final exams will start on this 26th and I'm not sure about the preparation. I'm hoping that I'll do well on my exams. Organization? Truth to be told, I'm getting bored, seriously. Half year to go but... Ah. Tones of work to be completed, revision to be done, LPJ to be collected lalala. People, I still remember your promise to help each other (included ME), so can you keep your promise and make it true? Hello? Blah. I'm tired. Trough it all, got tons supports from the all time pom-pom brighten my days. It's not stomachache, it's butterflies... still :)

A Piece of Peace

sebenernya liburan udh resmi dimulai pertengahan januari kemaren, tp buat saya kemaren rabu itu hari perdana liburan! tepat setelah ujian kelar, ibu masuk rumah sakit, otomatis waktu saya fullydedicated buat ibu. setelah ibu pulang dr rumah sakit, saya kembali disibukkan dengan tugas HM yang mengharuskan 'ngantor' tiap hari di dekanat dari pagi sampai sore. kinda busy but i really enjoy this 'job' hehe

sampai sekarang masih percaya ngga percaya kalo proker liburan ke bandengan-Jepara yang direncanain H-1 itu bener-bener sukses terlaksana. ajaib banget, H-1 dengan semangat 45 kami memutuskan liburan ke bandengan besoknya, tapi belum ngerti naek apa kesananya & siapa yg nyetirin haha lucunya lagi nih, lanjut ngebahasnya via twitter lo! eeeh alhamdulillah banget, dengan persiapan yg serba mendadak, hari Rabu kemaren dengan 2 mobil, kami ber-11 jadi berangkat ke pantai bandengan - Jepara. berangkat dari semarang jam 09.30 dan sampai di bandengan jam 12.30.

riana, lele, jeje, iffa, fakhri, nurul, rasyed, renold, rival, kiki, yudith
ready to go!

cuaca yang galau nggak mengurangi sedikitpun semangat kami buat foto-foto, maen ombak, perang pasir, bikin crop circle versi pasir pantai, dll. semoga kestressan yang udah ditumplekin & dilarung di laut bener-bener hanyut dan ga balik lagi, amin!


crop circle


dear waves, brush away our stressness!

lumayan lama juga kami jadi anak pantai, kira-kira jam 5 sore kami meninggalkan bandengan dan lanjut wisata kuliner di salah satu pujasera lesehan di jepara, baru kemudian bertolak kembali ke semarang.

food culinary

arum manis :)

sepanjang perjalanan pulang, saya & temen-temen semobil malah karaokean dengan playlist beraneka genre musik, dari melayu - western - ajep-ajep - pop indo - sampe religius pun ada! standing applause deh buat playlist koleksinya mamanya yudith! gaul geeelaaaa ha-ha! selain karaokean tentu aja kami bercandaan ngalor-ngidul menyaksikan live performance :P, dan yang pasti agenda wajib adalah ngebully lele habis-habisan. upss saya jg jadi korban pembullyan ding, hiks.

sampai semarang kira-kira jam 8 lewat, bukannya langsung pulang ke rumah/kost masing-masing malah nongkrong di taman KB. kayaknya waktu itu cuma saya doang yg udah lemes. heran, temen-temen masih semangat 45, semangat nongkrong sambil foto-foto tentunya. efek kungkum di laut plus memar-memar gara-gara jatuh dari motor kemarennya kerasa banget, nah ini nih yg bikin saya loyo. setelah kongkow-kongkow ga jelas, kami pun sepakat untuk mengsisi perut (lagi), dengan tujuan tempat makan yg parampa (ga jelas). pertama, nasi ayam depan matahari, tp belum buka (FYI, bukanya tengah malem). kedua, nasi kucing pak gie di gajahmada tp lauknya udah habis & ada lagi tengah malem. ketiga, nasi kucing 33 di tlogosari tp lagi-lagi lauknya habis. setelah thawaf muterin simpang lima, muterin tlogosari, akhirnya perburuan kuliner kami berakhir di nasi goreng sederhana, tlogosari. selesailah serangkaian acara one day trip kami, dan FYI saya pulang sampai rumah jam setengah 12 malem, WOOOOOW! :D keesokan harinya saya bener-bener tepar dan terpaksa mengikhlaskan ga ikut reunian bareng anak-anak padepokan yg usut punya usut ternyata ke ... pantai bandengan juga -,-

night life
IF 09 . nice shoot!

lesson to learn :
yang direncanakan selalu ga jadi-jadi, yg dadakan lancar terkendali :P


saya, si drama-queen datang kembali.

menurut saya..
ada kalanya kita berada dalam fase extrovert
butuh mereka untuk berbagi
butuh saran-saran mereka untuk menguatkan
mereka, dengan telinga-telinga yg siap mendengarkan
dengan bahu yg siap dijadikan sandaran
dengan lengan yang siap merengkuh hangat
mereka itu

kali ini, saya, berada dalam fase berkebalikan
bukan karena tak butuh kalian untuk berbagi
tak butuh saran yang menguatkan
tak butuh telinga-telinga yang siap mendengarkan
tak butuh lengan yang siap merengkuh hangat
bukan itu.

kemaren, saya tersadar oleh suatu hal
kalian, selalu ada dalam fase a p a p u n itu

"…pepeh itu kuaaat, kita sayang kamu…."
tes. siapa yang ga nangis coba dapet sms ky gini?

"…kan bukan cm status kita yg sahabatan tp perasaan kita juga cm emang akhir2 ini kita jarang punya waktu utk meluapkan perasaan masing-masing.."
makin kejer.

pernah di suatu sore yang sangat galau,
kalian dateng, mendekat dan tiba-tiba bilang
"ipeeeeeh, senyuuum!"
haha sial!
jangan sekali-sekali pasang poker face di depan sahabat,
dijamin ga mempan!

entah kalian punya 6th sense :P, atau memang udah ada kontak batin *halah*
tapi kalian selalu tau dan datang utk menguatkan di saat yg tepat, even i haven't told a n y t h i n g!!
satu pertanyaan yg akhir-akhir ini muter-muter di kepala dan belum nemu jawabannya :
saya udah ngasi apa sih ke Allah, sampai-sampai Allah ngasi kalian yg sebegituuuuuu baaaaaaaiknya? :)

i'm moving, but not leaving

i find it hard at making decision between two big choices which is having it's bad points and good points. also has it's consequences. some people told me to stay, others told me not to. too fast to decide. i should have more time to think twice and more before saying yes to this, and no to that. i'd love to be here or there, but.. but.. i'm not be able to blablabla but i'd love to be there.. blahs. brainstorm attack. after 3 days full of thinking and asking advices from here, there, and everywhere, bismillah.. i've already had my own decision.

time flies
the last chapter came to an end
and the 91th would be my last post.
i'd love to stay, i'd love to learn more and improve my skill here,

welcome, new chapter.
i know it'll be much harder than the last.
but whatever it's, the truth is..

i'm moving, but not leaving.

one zero zero one one one

the 365th day, the 12th month, the first year. oh wait, i should put 'it supposed to be' in the beginning of this post, shouldn't i? looked back at the good old times, those memories popping around my mind. this time, i do really know what's my blog's title actually means - Memories never come back, it's out of sight but not out of mind. call me bad on forgetting, call me bad on letting go, call me bad on moving on, call me weak, it's all up to you. if those are subjects, i bet my score would be E.

dear Allah,

You work in mysterious ways. the most hurting pain, uncountable tears, long-lasting sadness brought me to be stronger. Thank You for always being there for me, listen to every single of my prays, my sighs. You are the place where i find nobody to talk to. Gusti Allah mboten sare, these words belong to You, really :) also thanks for giving me so-called soul sisters :) thanks and thanks and thanks! zillions of thanks wouldn't enough, Allah :)

dear soul-sisters,

let me say thank you so muchies for lend me shoulders to cry on, for gave me loads of advices, also for the warmest hugs. i remembered how care you all to me when i'm in the lowest point of life, until now. you know me so well, you really do. you really know what i feel, although i haven't told anything. you are mood boosters, smile makers, pain healers, you are better than the best. having you around me is one of the best thing in my life. i know you don't need your names here to know how much i love you all, right? xxxooo

dear you,

haha dunno what to say, too much to say actually :P let's waving hands to binary rules and say "see you 90 years later" . never imagine before how things could change just like now. although we a'int meant to be and the word 'forever' is over, but these butterflies are still here. they haven't gone yet. i've told them to go away, but they won't. they thought that here is their place. sorry for keeping these butterflies :( always put you on my prayer list, wishing you all of the best since i know i.. might.. be.. not.. your.. best :)

so this is my first post after inactive period, and this post is requested by you. ehh err stop stop.. i'm running out of words ha-ha!

ps :

this post is supposed to be posted 12 days ago.