nia (kopet)-communication UGM
sasri (srintil)-STEI ITB
elly (sempuk)-management UNIKA
ippa-computer science UNDIP
della (pethek)-communication UNDIP
i realize that time passes real fast
we'll be walkin on our roads
but remember that..
we are still friends, though we drifted a part in distance
we are still friends, though we have many new friends
we are still friends, though we dont see each other all the time
we are still friends, no matter what!
we weren't sister by birth, but by ♥
friendship-fellowship-fraternity may always be w/ us,
pict was taken by pempi. thanks sweety 

(pict by request \o/)
9 gossip(s):
hahahahahhaaaaa. akhirnya aku bisa. kamu up date sekalii yaa. hohohohohohoho. coba ada fotonya aku. hehehehehehhe
congrats ya pemzzz! akhirnya km bs juga. wkwk
la aku gak ada kerjaan og, jadi mending nyampah in blog. haha
yo wes, tak pajang fotomu...
hahahahhahha. tingkyuu yaa sayang. emang liburan ini cuma bisa mnghabiskan waktu saja. not to do something. huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh.
siap-siap beken mendadak bagi yg fotonya terpajang di postinganku. haha
podo pemz, libur terpanjang seumur hidupku -,-
:) nice post gue suka liat orang yg menghargai sahabat dan kenangan bersama mereka (^^)
wehehehehe... so sweet...
jadi pengen nyanyi thats what friends are for... hihihi
B & shien maw:
thankieeeeees yakk :)
i'm crying again..... :'(
i misss yeuuu a loooot ppa, i misss gossipas ! uhukhuhuhuhu...
aku jugaaaa huhuhu
2 minggu lagi kita ketemu langsung bergossip sampe puas ya sriiii!
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