1 November 2oo8 ,
my school has just celebrated the 131 b'day ! waow , fantastico !
i didn't realize that the ages of this school is moooooore than a century .
no problemo , although it's old enuff , but still called "the most favourite school in town"
alhamdulillah .
because we had to celebrate the day , so we got 3 days free from lessons on thursday till saturday ,
or we called 'classmeet" . it was what we've waited after passed midtest for a week .
time to have some funs after a scary week ! hehe
there are some activities that held on classmeet , such as competitions that must be joined each class .
singing "mars ganesha" , painting bin ,footsal , and also class's cleanless competition . and of course , my class PADEPOKAN (IPA 8 POJOK DEPAN TAMAN)
ready for joining and had prepared well
not only competition, but also 'bakti sosial' and 'jalan santai'.
on 'the day' all of SMA 3 SEMARANG's big family had a ceremony as a thanksgiving symbol.
the ceremony was soooo amazing ! seemed like PASKIBAR has been prepared it as well as possible .good job !
okay , feel uncomplete if i didn't tell you about each competition .
let's begin !
it was the first singing competition that held in order to celebrate HUT .
we had to sing "mars SMA 3" , and the participants for each class maximum 15 persons.
each class has prepared PERFECTLY ! most of them used guitar , solo organ , or even violin like an orchaestra with amazing choir !
waow !
and how about my class ??
well , we just need 2 guitars and it's enuff for us .haha
so , what should we do to make our performance different than other class ?
after disscussed together , finally we had a brilliant idea !
what is that ? mixed mars ganesha with "sinanggartulo atulo" . and i've never heard sucha easy listening and cooooool song like our song !
wonderful !
combined with a little dance , and let me introduce our master coreoghrapher : AJI TULANG . haha
actually , we should sing the pure song , we shouldn't change it . but , who cares ?
on the competition ,
dirigen :
the choirs :
rima , nyaa , viola , amel , fida , ramadhania , mito
fajar kribo , ilham , hanafi , aji tulang , fajar fitrianto
with 2 guitars played by ambon nd tabiez ,
i saw spectators amazed with the performance of our class .they said "kereeen!"
hahaha .
yess , mission successed !
"mbah bejo" isn't in our side .
cause our score was same with our rival : XI IA 4 , so we should play 'penalti'
and THEY win , we LOST !!
arggggghhh !

you can call my class with "art class" because there are many art talents here , such as
hariz , ata , ndog , putri , dewi. they are GOOOOOOOD in drawing , they had high sense of art !
ata has prepared everything , included prepare the painting concept .
i love the concept .

front = gajah aka ganesha (symbol of our school) who is cuttin off the 131 b'day cake
behind=kinds of style people to throw their garbages
cover = "PADEPOKAN" written in 'aksara jawa'
waow ! they drawed it with high quality technic . and every person who looked our bin said "apik" or "keren"
alhamdulillah !
that's all.
sorry for long post .
and sorry again for my terrible grammar .
peace =)
happy b'day bumi ganesha ..
we're proud of you !
the song ..
"kami ini satria ganesha
siap abdi nusa bangsa negara
pegang teguh dasa prasetya ganesha muda
tuk meraih cita-cita
tempat belajar dan menuntut ilmu
tuk menjadi seorang satria
inilah istana kebanggan kami
junjung tinggi budaya bangsa
serta cinta pada sesama
berdasarkan pancasila dan undang2 dasar 45
kami ini satria ganesha
siap abdi nusa bangsa negara
pengabdian tulus jujur dan wibawa
bagi jaya indonesia...
SMA 3 slalu berjayaaaaaa"
related story :
sasri - dirijen sesembahan
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