simsalabim abrakadabra alakazam hankety pankety!
*plok plok plok plaaak!*
ky yg udah pernah saya bilang, saya orangnya bosenan, gak tahan kalo liat layout/header saya kelamaan dipasang, jamuran lumutan ntar hahaa
nah yg bikin happy syalalala tuh karena headernya originally made by me.
oke, errr art-sense saya emang rendah, photoshop juga gak jago jadi untuk saat ini baru bisa bikin ky gitu hahaa (anak TK aja bisa)
i realize that your header is much much much better than me, people. but sorry, i still love mine , no matter how worst it is. the only reason is because i made it with my own hands (ngga ding, pake mouse dong yaaah :p)
i promise, i'll keep learning & learning. and now i'm still looking for any inspirations for my web programing assignment: make a webpage, using our own layout! pheeeew! manstabs tuh tugas!
wish me luck yaaa :D
thankies :)

2 gossip(s):
keren headernya.
simpel , girly dan teenage banget. hehe
huaaahuaa makasih yas :)
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