hello people!
i'd like to introduce these hottie girls.
they are my new classmates, also gossip partners, also temen-bernaris-narsis-ria.
i'd like to introduce these hottie girls.
they are my new classmates, also gossip partners, also temen-bernaris-narsis-ria.
they will always be arround me for next around 4 years.
hope we'll be good friends ya!


so please,
welcome them by saying 'hello' or 'hi' and
give your cutest widest smile and your big big big warm hug for them.
happy sunday & happy holiday!
thankies for awards, comments, heart talks on chatbox, and for following my blog.
i really appreciate it :)

once again, thank you and i love you peeps!

2 gossip(s):
waa, moga-moga langgeng yaa, fa!! haha. aku juga nih, udah dapet 'geng' cewek baru. ehehe.
langgeng? hahaha
sebenernya bukan geng sih wi, soalnya temen ceweku ya cuma itu2 aja. dikit banget cewe di kelasku :(
km juga langgeng ya sama gengmu hehe
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